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On Java Road

Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Osborne, Lawrence
Verfasserangabe: Lawrence Osborne
Jahr: 2023
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Erw/


Zweigstelle: OSZF Gebäude A Standorte: Osbo / B Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


A veteran British journalist living in Hong Kong investigates the disappearance of a student protestor amidst the pro-democracy demonstrations in this unsettling new novel from the acclaimed author of The Forgiven
After twenty years as an ex-pat reporter in Hong Kong, Adrian Gyle has almost nothing to show for it. But now the streets are choked with students demanding democratic freedoms, and the old world is beginning to fall apart.
Adrian's old friend Jimmy Tang, the scion of a wealthy Hong Kong family, has begun a reckless affair with Rebecca, a leading pro-democracy protestor. But when Rebecca disappears and Jimmy goes to ground, Adrian unearths the familiar old urge to investigate. Pursuing Rebecca's ghost to Java Road where the city's dead congregate, Adrian re-assembles her final hours - as he struggles to distinguish between delusion and reality.


Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Osborne, Lawrence
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ISBN: 978-1-529-11495-9
Beschreibung: 229 Seiten
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Sprache: englisch