
Hausaufgabe von Marina Pellegrini (2b) zur Klassenlektüre


Auch schlicht erscheinende Lehrbücher können eine spannende Vorgeschichte haben. Eine der spannendsten bietet da bestimmt die des Standardwerkes Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind, verfasst von Newt Scamander, sieben Jahrzehnte, bevor Harry Potter den Stein der Weisen sucht. (moviepilot)

"Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind" fand im 1997 veröffentlichen Band Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen Erwähnung und wurde aufgrund zahlreicher Nachfragen 2001 als eigenständiges Buch nachgeliefert. Nun entstand nach dem Drehbuch von J.K. Rowling dieser Film, an dem nicht nur eingefleischte Harry-Potter-Fans ihre Freude haben dürften.


von: Nadine Kastl und Lena Wild, 3c

Von Marina Pellegrini, 2b:  Arbeit zur Klassenlektüre "The Canterville Ghost" von Oscar Wilde.


I am creepy and lonely

I wonder about little Virginia's future with Cecil

I hear the owls of death flapping their black wings

I see the moonlight above the old trees in the Garden of Death

I want to frighten the American family making ghostly noises


I am creepy and lonely

I pretend to scare people with a bloodstain

I feel sorry about all the bad things I did in the past

I touch the heavy metal chains

I worry about my wife's death lots of years ago

I cry because of my death caused by my wife’s brothers


I am creepy and lonely

I understand that love is stronger than life and death

I say that I can disappear through walls

I dream to rest in peace in the Garden of Death

I try to make a plan to finish those horrible Americans once and forever

I hope no one ever reveals my secret

I am creepy and lonely



There is a girl I often see in the library. She is an avid reader, and usually goes straight for the history section, being particularly interested in books about the Holocaust. As you can imagine they are often thick, and difficult to read, but she speaks about them with a passion I admire.

One day I decide to ask her where this passion comes from, how she manages to read -and remember- all this "heavy" stuff besides all her textbooks, and schoolwork. She laughingly tells me she has just started reading very recently. Apparently she got to read a book she loved during the summer and can't stop anymore. Those of you who read probably know exactly what she means... of course I ask what book that was, and she blushes and answers: "Don't laugh - it's Fifty Shades of Grey!"

I don't laugh. Because, even though I haven't read it myself (and probably never will): if it made her a reader, in my opinion it is a GOOD book.